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Consumer Impact of Bad Data in Employee Benefits: Harris Poll


Over half of Americans today rely on employer-sponsored insurance benefits to access essential services like healthcare for themselves and their families. Yet a recent Noyo-commissioned Harris Poll found that 48% of employed Americans who have these benefits have experienced frustration using their benefits because they are hard to understand. In addition, around two in five say they have been negatively impacted by errors with their benefits in some way, whether in the form of inaccurate bills (42%), access-to-care issues (41%), or coverage delays (37%).

“Experiences like these are the direct result of bad benefits data,” said Shannon Goggin, CEO and co-founder of Noyo. “Outdated systems behind-the-scenes make it hard for the benefits industry to keep information in sync between insurance carriers, benefits software, brokers, and employers. As a result, seemingly small discrepancies frequently lead to big problems. We created Noyo to address these challenges head on with our benefits data platform that standardizes and enriches data across many systems and uses it to solve a broad set of needs.”

Better Data, Better Benefits
The line between data quality and consumer experience is clearest during the open enrollment season. That’s because this busy time of year frequently pushes traditional systems and workflows to the breaking point, resulting in an unacceptably high rate of issues for members.

“No two systems in benefits are alike, which makes for inconsistent processes and data structures. Since open enrollment brings such a high volume of changes, slow processing times and delays in coverage are almost a guarantee,” said Goggin. “Noyo is helping to change all that with API solutions that manage the season’s complexity. This year’s Open Enrollment Report highlights the role of clean data in dramatically improving the consumer experience.”

During the 2022 open enrollment season, Noyo detected and addressed enrollment issues that would have negatively impacted thousands of families’ insurance coverage if they had gone unnoticed. This critical protection ensures members can use their coverage when they need it most. Noyo does this all with highly tuned and powerful software: More than 92% of all enrollment changes and issue resolutions are handled without any human intervention required.

“Noyo’s platform enables a new era of tech-forward benefits design and delivery,” said Elaina O’Mahoney, VP of Product for Noyo. “By surfacing potential data mismatches between benefits software and carriers, Noyo is uniquely positioned to help the industry reduce access-to-care issues, address missed enrollments, and save valuable time for people across the ecosystem.”

Noyo Product Set
Solutions powered by Noyo include the flagship Member Enrollment product, which supports the full lifecycle of policy administration activities and enables the seamless collection, cleaning, and transmission of member enrollment and eligibility data. Member Enrollment also includes access to tools that simplify group management, such as an advanced data-mapping interface and visualizations of all active groups, members, and dependents.

Benefits software companies and insurance companies building with Noyo get access to a broad network of connected benefits software and carrier partners. With critical enrollment and eligibility data flowing seamlessly and securely through Noyo, users get a trusted view of who’s enrolled in what coverage at any given time, while periodic Noyo-driven audits surface coverage-impacting issues as changes occur.

Real-World Results
A single upfront integration with Noyo takes just three months; after the initial integration is complete, turning on new connections with existing Noyo partners can be done in mere weeks. Once integrated, Noyo’s partners can get groups connected to their lines of coverage at the carrier and start enrolling members in just three days or less, compared to 8-12 weeks or more with EDI and other direct solutions.

Noyo’s partners include benefits software companies who are innovating to make benefits simpler to understand and use, such as firms like Gusto, as well as leading insurance carriers Ameritas, Guardian Life, Beam Benefits, and The Standard, among others.

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