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Circa Announces New Partnership with Almas Insight


Circa is pleased to announce our formal partnership with Seattle-based Almas Insight, a company that provides a cutting-edge approach to integrating objective, human-driven data into workforce management. Circa is partnering with Almas Insight to provide its customers and prospects access to an analytics platform to help companies determine where employees and candidates are a good fit, identify high-performing individuals, build employee growth plans and manage workforce attrition.

The purpose of this partnership is to improve diversity-focused outcomes for organizations while supporting federal contractors with a human capability analytics platform that utilizes a game-based method to measure and analyze high-demand human skills and behaviors. Almas Insight will refer Circa’s SaaS-based technology solutions to their customers while Circa will offer its customers access to Almas’ Human Capabilities Analytics Dashboard and Talent Insights Snapshot.

Circa provides OFCCP compliance management and talent-acquisition technology solutions to deliver qualified candidates on an equitable playing field for organizations to build high-performing, diverse teams. The company is expanding its product and service offerings through meaningful partnerships as customers are seeking to consolidate vendors and rely on more robust solutions from industry leaders like Circa. Almas Insight offers a cutting-edge, immersive, game-based product that combines contextual video, situational stimulation, and cognitive tests to measure human capabilities in the workforce fast.

“The partnership between Circa and Almas Insight symbolizes our profound commitment to helping organizations build diverse, high-performance teams and accelerate their success,” Patrick Sheahan, CEO, Circa said. “Expanding our solutions to provide actionable business data on human skills and behavior helps our customers make reliable talent decisions, create more effective teams, and build more collaborative and inclusive workplaces.”

“We are proud to announce this partnership with Circa, as they are a company that continually contributes to and advances DEI and talent acquisition in the modern workplace. At Almas, we share the same objectives as Circa, with a laser focus on enabling organizations to broaden their understanding of their workforce,” said Rob Savette, CEO and Co-founder of Almas Insight. “We are eager to collaborate with Circa in this developing sector to provide a strong, integrated solution that is simple to use and enables enterprises to realize instant value.”

To drive mutual success, Circa will showcase Almas Insight’s human capabilities analytics dashboard to customers and prospects, feature them in marketing campaigns, and work together on thought leadership content.

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