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Building a Thriving Corporate Culture in Today’s Workplace Calls for Inclusive Collaboration


A 2023 Gallup survey found only two in 10 employees feel connected to their organization’s culture. Recent Appspace research had similar findings, with hybrid employees reporting they struggle even more than their fully remote counterparts with feeling connected and engaged with their work (35% versus 22%).

While certain leaders attribute the present inadequacy of corporate culture to hybrid and remote work environments, dispersed workplaces are a phenomenon that has been around for a while. Many successful teams have operated across geographical boundaries, collaborating seamlessly to build collaborative workplace environments for years. In sum, creating and maintaining a strong company culture was never totally dependent on team members working in the same physical location.

What is clear is that as the traditional workplace continues to evolve, the strategies and responsibilities for building corporate culture must change too. In recent years, the demand for quick adaptation and sustained flexibility has revealed the drawbacks of relying solely on a top-down leadership approach to develop corporate culture.
The key to a thriving corporate culture doesn’t require a complete return to the office. Rather, organizations can build a stronger workplace culture by empowering and encouraging employees to actively participate in building it. Organizations with dispersed workforces and employees on the frontlines can rely on available technology to facilitate collaboration and build communities – regardless of where employees work.

Create a “Come One, Come All” Approach
“None of us is as smart as all of us,” is a quote attributed to the author of “The One Minute Manager. This concept is crucial for shaping and fostering a vibrant corporate culture. To build a corporate culture that resonates with all employees across geographies, companies must adopt a “culture is everyone’s responsibility” approach.
Start by defining and communicating the company’s core values and purpose. This foundational step creates a sense of identity and belonging among team members, regardless of their physical location. Encourage employees to contribute their perspectives and experiences to refine and enrich these guiding principles.

Put Technology at the Center of Culture Building
Modern intranets and employee apps play a pivotal role in connecting dispersed teams. Utilize these technologies to create virtual spaces where employees can share ideas, collaborate on projects, and discuss work and non-work topics.
In today’s digital landscape, one of the primary benefits of a modern intranet is its ability to establish dynamic social platforms that foster employee participation. The right tool starts with a decentralized approach in mind, which empowers users to proactively engage, collaborate, and exchange information – defining and strengthening culture one engagement at a time.

Encourage Cross-Cultural Awareness
Global teams bring diverse perspectives and experiences that enhance the depth of corporate culture. Again, a modern intranet provides an ideal channel for team members to share personal stories about holidays, traditions, and other interesting customs. Sharing information enhances understanding, celebrates diversity, and builds deeper connections among team members with different backgrounds and life experiences.

Recognize and Reward Contributions
Recognition is a powerful driver of engagement. Implement a global recognition program that acknowledges and celebrates the contributions of individuals, irrespective of their location. This can include digital shout-outs, peer-to-peer recognition platforms, and monthly awards programs in which winners are recognized during town halls and with a monetary award to sweeten the recognition.

Keep the Culture Conversation Alive
While building corporate culture is a collective effort, leadership remains instrumental. Employees value knowing that their contributions impact company performance and team member satisfaction.

Leaders can seek feedback and employee opinion on the state of company culture. Team members can share their thoughts in open forums or anonymously via employee surveys. Leaders can connect the dots between strong corporate culture and company success In company meetings and other ongoing communications. With this collaboration in place, leaders can remain at the forefront by championing corporate culture success.

Build Culture Outside (and Inside) of Cubicles
In the era of dispersed workforces, the key to a thriving corporate culture lies in inclusivity. Companies can move away from the notion that physical presence equates to culture-building and focus on empowering and encouraging all team members to participate actively.
By leveraging technology, fostering cross-cultural awareness, and promoting inclusive leadership, organizations can cultivate a strong, cohesive culture across different offices and geographies. The future of corporate culture is not dependent on a complete return to the office, but on embracing the diversity and richness that global teams bring to the table and their roles as culture builders.

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Lauren Patton ,

Director Internal Communications & Engagement, Appspace

Lauren Patton leads internal communications and global engagement at Appspace. She uses Appspace to engage more than 400 team members in hybrid environments around the world. She loves empowering leaders and team members to own their messages, helping knock down barriers to information, and evangelizing the power of “speaking human.”

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