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Allo Announces New Team Cohesion Platform for Hybrid Work


Allo, a leading remote collaboration software provider backed by Zoom, today announced a new platform aimed at helping remote teams stay in sync. The new Allo brings together Objectives and Key Result (OKR) software, project management, and team building features with its collaborative Canvases to create a unified platform for team cohesion.

“Hybrid work is great, but most companies find that it also makes it harder for teams to feel connected and cohesive,” said Ray Hong, Co-founder and CEO of Allo. “We designed Allo to help encourage collaboration and make people feel closer to each other, even when they’re physically apart.”

Hybrid and remote work has exploded in the past few years, with half of all workers in a recent Gallup poll reporting that they will work remotely at least part of the time by the end of the year, and about a quarter reporting they will be fully remote. At the same time, job burnout is at an all-time high, according to the American Psychological Association. The APA’s annual Work and Well-Being survey found that three in five workers said work-related stress caused them to have a lack of interest, motivation and energy at work. A total of 36% had cognitive weariness, 32% emotional exhaustion and 44% physical fatigue—a 38% jump from 2019.

The issue, said Allo Co-Founder CEO Ray Hong, is that the lack of physical presence means there are fewer avenues for unstructured interaction between team members and almost no passive ways to gather information about how the team is doing. This leads remote team members feeling disconnected from their colleagues, less able to understand how their work contributes to the whole, and less able to seek help when they run into issues.

Allo seeks to rebuild this physical “connective tissue” virtually with proven techniques from the worlds of online gaming and community building. Allo consists of five modules:

One unique aspect of how Allo works is the way that it integrates Canvases into every part of the product. OKRs, initiatives, tasks and projects all have tightly integrated canvases that team can use to work together on every item. This puts goals and project tracking into the same system with the multimedia assets related to the work and a record of collaboration that happens on them, which closes the loop for project managers and simplifies the task of keeping everything collated and up-to-date.

Allo is free to trial and $9 per user per month after the trial period, and each workspace also has unlimited guests with limited privileges to simplify working with outside collaborators or using it for presentations.

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